Illinois Attorney General Logo

Office of the
Illinois Attorney General
Kwame Raoul

Illinois Attorney General Logo

Safer Communities

Responding to domestic violence with legal information, connections to assistance, and program support

Domestic violence is a crime. Any person who hits, chokes, kicks, threatens, harasses, or interferes with the personal liberty of another family or household member has broken Illinois Domestic Violence law. Under Illinois law family or household members are defined as:

  • family members related by blood;
  • people who are married or used to be married;
  • people who share or used to share a home, apartment, or other common dwelling;
  • people who have or allegedly have child in common or a blood relationship through a child in common;
  • people who are dating or engaged or used to date, including same sex couples; and
  • people with disabilities and their personal assistants.

Resources for those who experience domestic violence

The Attorney General will be an advocate for anyone who experiences the trauma of domestic violence. The directory of services providers can be searched for local connections and the list of hotlines and online links provide additional information.

An order of protection is a court order which restricts an abuser and only is available to family or household members.

The Attorney General provides a fact sheet for quick information on victims’ rights, safety planning tips, and local agencies and shelter information that is often used by law enforcement.

Domestic Violence Grant Program for Service Providers

The Attorney General will be an avenue of support for interventions that address the issue of domestic violence and reaches residents in all areas of Illinois.