Supporting Victims of Crime

The effects of crime on victims persist long past the actual incident. The Attorney General’s Violence Prevention and Crime Victim Services Division helps victims and families on their road to recovery with these trauma-informed, statewide programs and resources.
Crime Victim Compensation
The Crime Victims Compensation Bureau provides financial assistance to eligible victims of violent crime and their families. Eligible applicants may receive reimbursement up to $45,000 ($27,000 for crimes before 8/7/22) for expenses incurred by victims as a result of a violent crime. Some of the expenses that are eligible for compensation include, hospital and medical expenses, funeral and burial costs, relocation expenses, and lost wages.
Statewide Victim Assistance Program
The Statewide Victim Assistance Program provides assistance to victims, witnesses, and service providers across Illinois. The Office of the Attorney General provides support to crime victims and witnesses who are involved in cases that are being prosecuted by the Office of the Illinois Attorney General.
Violent Crime Victim Assistance Grant
The VCVA Program provides grant funding for agencies and organizations who provide victim and witness services and victim advocacy. The VCVA fund is supported by fees from convicted offenders.
VINE Notification System
The VINE System provides victims with up-to- date information on the custody and/or case status of an offender. The VINE system is also available online at Victims can register for an automatic notification of a change in a case or custody status of an inmate. Notifications are available by email, text message or call.
Address Confidentiality Program
The Illinois Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) provides survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking, and their household members with a substitute address to use as their home, school, and work addresses, instead of the actual addresses. The ACP Substitute Address helps prevent perpetrators from locating survivors.
Domestic Violence Prevention Resources
The Attorney General's Office offers numerous programs and services aimed at protecting the rights and well-being of those affected by domestic violence. The office also supports organizations that work with survivors.
Training and Outreach
Crime Victim Services staff conduct outreach and educational workshops to help service providers better assist crime victims in obtaining financial assistance through this program. The Division also coordinates educational opportunities to help build the capacity of victim service providers and criminal justice system professionals. Training opportunities provide up-to-date information on victim-related topics and promising practices in service delivery.
For more information, please contact Laurie Collier at
In addition, the office circulates a newsletter to survivor and victim advocate groups that support victims in Illinois.