Illinois Attorney General Logo

Office of the
Illinois Attorney General
Kwame Raoul

Illinois Attorney General Logo

Displaying records 921 thru 940 of 3380 records found for your search of "被疑者の年齢及び境遇並びに犯罪の軽重及び態様その他諸般の事情に照らし、被疑者が逃亡する虞がなく、かつ、罪証を隠滅する虞がない等明らかに逮捕の必要がないと認めるとき」(規143の3)"

  • 20230222210902882_Schutte States Amicus Brief.pdf
    ii INTERESTS OF THE STATE AMICI ................. 1 SUMMARY OF THE ARGUMENT ..................... 3 ARGUMENT ........................................................ 6 I....
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  • 2023.9.29 Comment of 23 State AGs (FTC Consumer Reviews and Testimonials).pdf
    For example, Yelp, a major review platform, said in its comments that it “constantly confronts” the use of “abusive and questionable or unjustified legal threats” to suppress reviews.3 Also, the Transparency Company, an entity dedicated to fighting fake...
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  • 2023.6.6 Reply Comment of 28 State AGs.pdf
    its Petition, Assurance requested the Commission confirm that “where it is determined that a calling party has sufficient information to establish a reasonable basis to believe that they have 3...
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  • 2023.12.07 Multistate Comment on NPRM EITB .pdf
    These practices endanger people in our states by making it easier for people who cannot lawfully purchase firearms to obtain them illegally.3 Between 2017 and 2021, the number of traced crime guns (that is, guns recovered in connection with criminal investigations...
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  • 2023.12.06 -- Hopkins Amicus -- AS FILED.pdf
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  • 2023.12.06 - Multistate Ltr to OCC.pdf
    of the State and are governed in their daily course of business far more by the laws of the State than of the nation.”2 For the century that followed, State AGs enforced applicable laws against the Banks in the same manner as any multi-state corporation.3...
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  • 2023.09.29 FILED STAMPED Residents Complaint.pdf
    Since then, numerous Alternative Retail Electric Suppliers (“ARES”) like Residents have appeared in Illinois and engaged in telemarketing and in-person solicitations to persuade consumers to select them as their electricity supplier. 3....
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  • 2023.06.23 Comment of 26 State AGs (Negative Options Rule) (Filed).pdf
    The State Attorneys General support the FTC’s comprehensive efforts in stemming the tide against the “prevalent, unabated consumer harm in the marketplace”3 caused by the unfair and/or deceptive use of negative option marketing. I....
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  • 2023.04.28_OAG Technical Assistance Letter on Foot Pursuits.pdf
    This practice presents an unreasonable risk of death or serious injury.3 2 Int’l Assoc. of Chiefs of Police, FOOT PURSUITS, CONSIDERATIONS DOCUMENT 1 (2023). 3 Several departments and model policies...
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  • 2023.04.19 State AGs FTC Comment - Final.pdf
    Workers’ relative income has steadily declined over the past seventy years due to numerous factors, including globalization and technological change.3 Most American workers are at-will, meaning they lack job security and can be fired at any time for almost...
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  • 2023.04.19 State AGs FTC Comment - Final.pdf
    Workers’ relative income has steadily declined over the past seventy years due to numerous factors, including globalization and technological change.3 Most American workers are at-will, meaning they lack job security and can be fired at any time for almost...
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  • 2023-05-01 IL OAG Letter to Mayor Williams.pdf
    The law specifically limits home rule municipality powers: a municipality may not regulate an individual’s ability to freely exercise the fundamental right to an abortion in a manner more restrictive than that set forth in the Reproductive Health Act.3...
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  • 2023-04-25 Danville Proposed Anti-Abortion Ordinance.pdf
    In vitro fertilization or fertility treatments of any type; (2) The use, prescription, administration, procuring, or selling of Plan B, morning-after pills, intrauterine devices, or any other type of contraception or emergency contraception; or (3)...
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  • 2023-03-28 AGO Coalition - PM NAAQS Comment Letter.pdf
    BACKGROUND ....................................................................................................... 3 A. PM, Its Sources and Its Harmful Effects ......................................................... 3 1....
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  • 2023 Foundation Invitation July 10 2023.pdf
    . – 3:00 p.m. via WebEx. I hope you and your staff are able to participate in the training....
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  • 2023 Foundation Application July 10 2023.pdf
    . – 3:00 p.m....
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  • 2023 23-001 COUNTIES Authority of Non-Home-Rule County to Secede from the State of Illinois.pdf
    lefter inquiring: (1) whether an Illinois county may secede from the State of Illinois and join another state; (2) if the answer to the first question is in the affirmative, what is the process for applying for or enabling the county to secede; and (3)...
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  • 2023 1208 Miller v. Bonta Multistate Amicus Br As-Filed.pdf
    Nov. 3, 2023) ....................................................passim Cargill v. Garland, 57 F.4th 447 (5th Cir. 2023) .................................................................................... 6 Chiafalo v. Washington, 140 S....
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  • 2023 12 OEIG OAG Monthly Report to AG.pdf
    LaSalle Street, 31st Floor, Chicago, Illinois 60603 (312) 814-5500 TTY: (312) 814-3374 Email: (3) Number of Investigations Concluded: December 2023 Calendar Year Discrimination 0 2 Harassment 0 0...
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  • 2023 11 OEIG OAG Monthly Report to AG.pdf
    Prohibition 0 0 Other, miscellaneous or uncharacterized claims 4 26 TOTAL: 4 27 100 West Randolph Street, Chicago, Illinois 60601 (312) 814-5500 TTY: (312) 814-3374 Fax: (312) 814-8444 Email: (3)...
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