Illinois Attorney General Logo

Office of the
Illinois Attorney General
Kwame Raoul

Illinois Attorney General Logo

Displaying records 721 thru 740 of 2191 records found for your search of "关于进一步深化税收征管改革的意见针对8个行业,5种行为重点税务稽查"

  • FAQs_OMA_Public_11_2011.pdf
    electronic mail, electronic chat, and instant messaging), or other means of contemporaneous interactive communication, of a majority of a quorum of the members of a public body held for the purpose of discussing public business or, for a 09/09/2013 2 5-...
    2 match(es) in document
  • FAQs w Header PDF- RFA PT-JH.pdf
    FAQs – 8/23 Office of the Illinois Attorney General Conviction Integrity Unit FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1. Q: What does the Illinois Attorney General’s Conviction Integrity Unit (CIU) do?...
    5 match(es) in document
  • FAQOMAforPublicBodies.pdf
    without limitation, electronic mail, electronic chat, and instant messaging), or other means of contemporaneous interactive communication, of a majority of a quorum of the members of a public body held for the purpose of discussing public business or, for a 5-...
    2 match(es) in document
  • FAQforDealers.pdf
    This limited warranty coverage does not apply to vehicles that after the sale have been damaged by off- road use, racing or towing, have been subjected to abuse, misuse or neglect, or haven’t had regular maintenance. 5....
    2 match(es) in document
  • FAQaboutOMAPublic.pdf
    without limitation, electronic mail, electronic chat, and instant messaging), or other means of contemporaneous interactive communication, of a majority of a quorum of the members of a public body held for the purpose of discussing public business or, for a 5-...
    2 match(es) in document
  • FAQ_OMA_Government.pdf
    1/8/2013 1 Illinois Open Meetings Act Frequently Asked Questions for Public Bodies The Illinois Open Meetings Act (OMA) is designed to ensure that the public has access to information about government and its decision-making process....
    4 match(es) in document
  • FamilyMilitaryLeaveActBrochure.pdf
    • Employees taking leave for less than 5 consecutive days must give their employer advance notice as is practicable. • Employees taking leave for more than 5 consecutive days must give their employer at least 14 days notice....
    1 match(es) in document
  • Explanation_ofNone-State_EmploymentRestrictions.pdf
    or the spouse or immediate family member living with such a person) may not knowingly accept employment or receive compensation or fees for services from that person, entity, or parent or subsidiary for one year after terminating state employment. 5...
    4 match(es) in document
  • Exhibit 1 to Motion to Enter Consent Decree.pdf
    Exhibit 1 FILED 11/8/2024 11:49 AM IRIS Y....
    5 match(es) in document
  • Executive Ethics Commission
    EEC Responsibilities include (5 ILCS 430/20-15): Conducting administrative hearings; Imposing monetary fines on employees who violate the Ethics Act; Redacting and publishing founded OEIG reports; Preparing and publishing guides regarding the ethics laws;...
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  • EthicsComplaintForm.pdf
    5 match(es) in document
  • ethics_ordinance_guide.pdf
    Specifically, section 70-5 of the Act (to be codified at 5 ILCS 430/70-5) provides that: 2 Within 6 months after the effective date of this Act, each governmental entity shall adopt an ordinance or resolution that regulates, in a manner no less restrictive...
    5 match(es) in document
  • ethics_ordinance_guide.pdf
    Specifically, section 70-5 of the Act (to be codified at 5 ILCS 430/70-5) provides that: 2 Within 6 months after the effective date of this Act, each governmental entity shall adopt an ordinance or resolution that regulates, in a manner no less restrictive...
    5 match(es) in document
  • EstateTaxTreatmentOfCivilUnionsAndFactSheet.pdf
    ( To make the computation, the amounts of the Illinois Tentative Taxable Estate (Line 3, ScheduleA or B, Form 700) and the Illinois Tentative Taxable Estate with Adjusted Taxable Gifts (Line 5, Schedule A or B, Form 700) without...
    1 match(es) in document
  • EstateTaxInstructionSheetFor2023Decendents.pdf
    To determine tax due, insert the amounts from Lines 3 and 5 of Schedule A or B, Form 700. Please note that the calculator will not perform the computation unless amounts are entered into both fields....
    1 match(es) in document
  • EstateTaxInstructionFactSheet.pdf
    To determine tax due, insert the amounts from Lines 3 and 5 of Schedule A or B, Form 700. Please note that the calculator will not perform the computation unless amounts are entered into both fields....
    1 match(es) in document
  • Estate_Tax_Notice_2009.pdf
    ( To make the computation, the amounts of the Illinois Tentative Taxable Estate (Line 3, Schedule A or B, Form 700) and the Illinois Tentative Taxable Estate with Adjusted Taxable Gifts (Line 5, Schedule A or B, Form 700) without...
    1 match(es) in document
  • Estate_Tax_Notice_2006to2008.pdf
    The amounts on Lines 3a and 5 of the Federal Form 706 without the State Death Tax Deduction will be needed to compute the Illinois Estate Tax....
    2 match(es) in document
  • EnglishForm.pdf
    under most circumstances, my complaint, and any documents submitted with my complaint, may be considered a public record and may be available to a member of the public upon request, subject to the exemptions provided under the Freedom of Information Act, 5...
    2 match(es) in document
  • ElectionMisinformationGuide.pdf
    These sources can accidentally generate misinformation by incorporating errors as they compile information from multiple online sources. 5 But there are some possible indicators: https...
    1 match(es) in document