Illinois Attorney General Logo

Office of the
Illinois Attorney General
Kwame Raoul

Illinois Attorney General Logo

Displaying records 581 thru 600 of 2191 records found for your search of "关于进一步深化税收征管改革的意见针对8个行业,5种行为重点税务稽查"

  • IDTheftBrochurePolish.pdf Jak ustrzec się przed kradzieżą danych osobowych 5/23 INFORMACJA OD KWAME RAOUL – PROKURATORA GENERALNEGO STANU ILLINOIS Kradzież danych osobowych ma miejsce, gdy przestępca uzyskuje i wykorzystuje czyjeś dane...
    2 match(es) in document
  • IDTheftBrochure.pdf 5/23 Identity theft occurs when a criminal obtains and uses someone else’s personal information—such as credit card numbers, bank account numbers and social security numbers—to purchase goods and services fraudulently...
    2 match(es) in document
  • ID_Theft_Affidavit_Instructions_and_Form.pdf
    ., III) (3) My date of birth is ______________________ (day/month/year) (4) My Social Security number is ________________________________ (5) My driver’s license or identification card state and number are ______________________________ (6) My current...
    3 match(es) in document
  • Hunter amicus brief.pdf
    The Department overlooked the significant impacts of the rule change. ..................................................................... 8 CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................11...
    5 match(es) in document
  • HUD amicus brief.pdf
    HUD’s Disparate Case: 1:13-cv-08564 Document #: 303 Filed: 10/17/23 Page 1 of 5 PageID #:7620 2 Impact Rule (“the Rule”), which was first promulgated in 2013 and reinstated in 2023, simply formalized the “long-held recognition of discriminatory...
    4 match(es) in document
  • HowtoSubmitaRequestforReview.pdf
    In the case of OMA, the Request for Review is a formal way of asking the PAC to determine if the actions of the public body in connection with a public meeting violated OMA. 5 ILCS 140/9.5(a); 5 ILCS 120/3.5(a)....
    4 match(es) in document
  • HowtoRegisterforFOIAOMATrainingPortal.pdf
    • Password: Passwords must be  At least 8 characters long  Include at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one number, and one special character (!...
    1 match(es) in document
  • HowtoRegisterforFOIAOMATrainingPortal.pdf
    • Password: Passwords must be  At least 8 characters long  Include at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one number, and one special character (!...
    1 match(es) in document
  • How to Submit a Request for Review.pdf
    In the case of OMA, the Request for Review is a formal way of asking the PAC to determine if the actions of the public body in connection with a public meeting violated OMA. (5 ILCS 140/9.5(a); 5 ILCS 120/3.5(a)) For a FOIA Request for Review, the member...
    4 match(es) in document
  • How to disable built in PDF instructions.pdf
    Click the Change All button. 5. When asked if you want to change all similar documents, click Continue....
    1 match(es) in document
  • Hospital Uninsured Patient Discount Data 2022.pdf
    assistance in resolving complaints was provided to constituents throughout the State by the Attorney General without resorting to investigations or actions filed – 1 (4) The total number of resolved complaints – 0 (Complaint still in mediation) (5)...
    1 match(es) in document
  • HomeRepairKnowYourConsumerRightsPolish.pdf
    w jeden z dwóch sposób, w zależności od tego, co nastąpi wcześniej: (1) w ciągu pięciu dni roboczych od otrzymania od ubezpieczyciela pisemnego powiadomienia o odrzuceniu roszczenia; lub (2) w ciągu 30 dni od wysłania roszczenia do ubezpieczyciela. 5....
    2 match(es) in document
  • HomeRepairKnowYourConsumerRightSpanish.pdf
    que ocurra primero: (1) en un plazo de cinco días hábiles después de la recepción de la notificación por escrito de la compañía de seguros que deniega su reclamo; o (2) en un plazo de 30 días después de que envió un reclamo a la compañía de seguros. 5....
    2 match(es) in document
  • HomeRepairKnowYourConsumerRights.pdf
    you may cancel the contract in one of two ways, whichever occurs first:(1) within five business days after receiving written notice from the insurance company denying your claim; or (2) within 30 days after you sent a claim to the insurance company. 5....
    2 match(es) in document
  • homerep0505c.pdf
    you may cancel the contract in one of two ways, whichever occurs first:(1) within five business days after receiving written notice from the insurance company denying your claim; or (2) within 30 days after you sent a claim to the insurance company. 5....
    2 match(es) in document
  • Home Repair_PublicAct91-0230.pdf
    Section 5. Policy....
    1 match(es) in document
  • HispanicAmericanEmploymentPlan2023.pdf
    As of June 30, 2023, provide total number of agency employees on board; include full- time, part-time and LOA’s: 832 5....
    2 match(es) in document
  • Hispanic+Employment+Plan+2019.pdf
    As of June 30, 2019, provide total number of agency employees on board; include full- time, part-time and LOA’s: 742 5....
    2 match(es) in document
  • Hispanic Employment Plan 22.pdf
    As of June 30, 2022, provide total number of agency employees on board; include full- time, part-time and LOA’s: 812 5....
    2 match(es) in document
  • Hispanic Employment Plan 2019.pdf
    As of June 30, 2019, provide total number of agency employees on board; include full- time, part-time and LOA’s: 742 5....
    2 match(es) in document