Illinois Attorney General Logo

Office of the
Illinois Attorney General
Kwame Raoul

Illinois Attorney General Logo

Displaying records 3361 thru 3380 of 3384 records found for your search of "被疑者の年齢及び境遇並びに犯罪の軽重及び態様その他諸般の事情に照らし、被疑者が逃亡する虞がなく、かつ、罪証を隠滅する虞がない等明らかに逮捕の必要がないと認めるとき」(規143の3)"

  • 12-003.pdf
    Cohen's request for students' names pursuant to section 7( 1)( c) of FOIA.3 5 ILCS 140/ 7( 1)( c) ( West 2010), as amended by Public Acts 97- 333, effective August 12, 2011; 97- 385, effective August 15, 2011; 97- 452 effective August 19, 2011....
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  • 12-002.pdf
    O 4W9 kPTy OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL STATE OF ILLINOIS Lisa Madigan ATTORNEY GENERAL January 11, 2012 PUBLIC ACCESS OPINION 12-002 Request for Review 2011 PAC 16946) FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT: Under Section 3( d) of FOIA, Public Bodies Must...
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  • 12-001.pdf
    Vernon Ford, as recurrent requesters" under sections 2( g) and 3. 2 of FOIA (5 ILCS 140/2( g), 3. 2 ( West 2010), as amended by Public Act 97- 579, effective August 26, 2011)....
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  • 110209InternetSafety Links.pdf
    Chairman State Superintendent of Education NEWS For Immediate Release November 3, 2009 FOR MORE INFORMATION Illinois State Board of Education Contacts: Mary...
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  • 11-14-2023 H-2A Protections Multistate Comment Letter.pdf
    farmworker employment.2 Washington is the country’s largest producer of apples, blueberries, hops, pears, and sweet cherries,3 and accounts for ten percent of U.S....
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  • 11-007.pdf
    December 21, 2011 Public Access Opinion No. 11- 007 Request for Review— 2011 PAC 17220) FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT: A Public Body' s Offer to Allow the Inspection of Public Records in Response to a Request for Copies Constitutes a Violation of Section 3(...
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  • 11-006.pdf
    FOIA request to the City of Champaign seeking "[ ail' electronic communications, including cellphone text messages, sent and received by members of the city council and the mayor during city council meetings and study sessions since ( and including) May 3....
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  • 107816.pdf
    Burris to represent Illinois in the United States Senate until the vacancy caused by -3- President-elect Obama’s resignation “is filled by election as provided by law.”...
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  • 107 CA et al Am Br.pdf
    District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee No. 3:23-cv-376 JANE DOE 1, ET AL., Plaintiffs-Appellees, v. WILLIAM C. THORNBURY, JR., ET AL., Defendants, & COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY, EX REL....
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  • 10-17-2023 Multistate AG Comment Letter re MHPAEA Rules.pdf
    mental illness in the past year; of that population, 27.6 percent (or 15.5 million people) felt an unmet need for mental health services.2 The most common reason for not receiving services was that they could not afford the cost of care (47.8 percent).3...
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  • 1.16.2024 Multi-State Letter to White House OMB re Menthol Ban.pdf
    cigar products, stating, “[t]he failure to prohibit the sale of menthol cigarettes and products would be discriminatory and counter the goal and function of the FDA to protect and promote public health for all, including the African-American community.”3...
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  • 1. 24_0827 TBJ Complaint.pdf
    For years, Defendants flagrantly violated the ECA by misclassifying a significant number of its employees as independent contractors. 3....
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  • 099-0801.pdf
    (3) The diminished ability of victims to recover from their sexual assault or sexual abuse has been directly linked to the response of others to their trauma....
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  • 099-0801.pdf
    (3) The diminished ability of victims to recover from their sexual assault or sexual abuse has been directly linked to the response of others to their trauma....
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  • 082712InstructionFactSheet.pdf
    ( To make the computation, the amounts of the Illinois Tentative Taxable Estate (Line 3, ScheduleA or B, Form 700) and the Illinois Tentative Taxable Estate with Adjusted Taxable Gifts (Line 5, Schedule A or B, Form 700) without...
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  • 070523 FINAL EPA Stds MY27-32 - States Comment.pdf
    alternative sets of GHG standards: the proposed standards, a more stringent alternative (Alternative 1), a less stringent alternative (Alternative 2), and an alternative similar in stringency to the proposed standards on a different timeline (Alternative 3)...
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  • 070112Instructions_FactSheet_andPaymentForm.pdf
    ( To make the computation, the amounts of the Illinois Tentative Taxable Estate (Line 3, ScheduleA or B, Form 700) and the Illinois Tentative Taxable Estate with Adjusted Taxable Gifts (Line 5, Schedule A or B, Form 700) without...
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  • 07-28-23-William-Tong---Letter-to-US-Senate-340B-Working-Group_FINAL (1).pdf
    Under the laws governing both the 340B program and Medicaid, drug manufacturers participating in Medicaid are required to sell outpatient drugs at discounted prices to 340B covered entities that care for many uninsured and low-income patients.3 As State...
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  • 06.10.24.Hud.Comments.14.AG.pdf
    high rates of arrest and incarceration in our nation.2 Housing instability is a known driver of the likelihood of recidivism, but securing safe, decent, and affordable housing remains to be a daunting and futile process to those with criminal records.3...
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  • 04-20-23 Multistate Letter re HUD Fair Housing Rule.pdf
    Damon Smith April 20, 2023 Page 2 discrimination in home sales or rentals and other housing-related transactions based on race, color, religion, sex, familial status, national origin, or disability.3 In a separate provision, the FHA requires HUD to...
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